CA Supply Chains ACT and CSR
California Supply Chains Act
In its effort to identify and eliminate slavery and human trafficking in supply chains, the State of California has adopted the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2023 (the “Act”). Oilseeds International, Ltd. (“Oilseeds”) itself adheres to the CSR Action Guidelines stated below and to the following specific policies for the avoidance of slavery and human trafficking pursuant to the Act:
- Employees of Oilseeds and/or its ultimate parent, Fuji Oil Holdings Inc., visit its direct suppliers to assess, among other things, the risks of slavery and human trafficking in the product supply chain.
- Oilseeds does not currently conduct formal audits of suppliers to evaluate compliance with Oilseeds’ standards and guidelines.
- Oilseeds requires its direct suppliers to provide written certification to, or by contract with Oilseeds that the materials incorporated into the products supplied comply with the laws prohibiting slavery and human trafficking of the countries in which they do business.
- Compliance programs of Fuji Oil group companies, including Oilseeds, have internal accountability standards and procedures for employees and contractors failing to meet Oilseeds’ standards regarding slavery and human trafficking. If employee or contractor compliance problems are discovered, Oilseeds provides the supplier with a written notice and a specified period of time to take corrective action
- Oilseeds has mandatory annual training for all employees and contractors with direct responsibility for supply chain management with respect to avoidance of human trafficking and slavery within its supply chain.
Oilseeds International, Ltd’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Action Guidelines for Supply Chains:
Oilseeds International, Ltd. (the “Oilseeds”) adheres to the CSR Action Guidelines established for Fuji Oil Group suppliers as set forth below:
- 1Suppliers shall respect the human rights of their employees and shall not treat employees in an inhumane manner including verbal abuse and physical punishment.
- 2Suppliers shall not engage in forced labor, child labor, slavery, or human trafficking.
- 3Suppliers shall not practice discrimination or in hiring and employment.
- 4Suppliers shall prevent unfair low-wage labor.
- 5Suppliers shall respect the rights of employees to organize and bargain collectively to promote smooth negotiation between labor and management.
- 6Supplier shall ensure that employees’ working hours, holidays, and use of leave of absence are properly manages so as to comply with statutory standards.
- 7Suppliers shall strive to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment.
- 8In the course of their business activities, suppliers shall duly consider the need to conserve ecosystems as well and local and global environments, and strive to prevent the occurrence of any environmental pollution.
- 9Suppliers shall observe all related laws and international rules, and ensure fair transactions and prevent corruption.
- 10Suppliers shall disclose information regarding the above items in a timely and appropriate manner.